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Customer Code of Conduct is set out to ensure that customers (or persons attending a private function) can enjoy themselves in a friendly, non- aggressive, and drug free environment.

The following behaviour will not be tolerated:-

  • Drunkenness
  • Being under the influence of, the selling of, or the taking of illegal drugs
  • More than one person in a toilet cubicle
  • Arguing, aggression or fighting
  • Throwing objects
  • Acts of a lewd or sexual nature
  • Acts of racism or sexism
  • Causing damage to or climbing onto furniture or fixings
  • Entering into the private areas of the Club
  • Wanton discharge of fire equipment
  • Endangering the personal safety of self or others in any way
  • Physical or verbal abuse directed at the staff
  • Endangering the club licence to sell alcohol and provide entertainment or its ability to trade

Management and Security understands that some of the above may better be dealt with on a warning basis, whereas others may be better handled by the correct authorities.